Admission open for Advanced Diploma in Child Guidance and Counselling 2019-20. For further details log on to(
S.No. Catalogue Document Name
1Child Development"Office Order on revision of Guidelines for Provision of POL (Petrol. Oil and Lubricants) at Various Level under the Integrated Child Development Services (General) Scheme"
2Child DevelopmentA Documentation of Indigenous Plays and Play Material for the Children up to Eight Years of Age in North Eastern Region
3Child DevelopmentA Documentation on Enriching Child Care Centre (CCC) of NIPCCD: Fostering Parental Involvement in Improving School Readiness of Children - Poems
4Child DevelopmentA Documentation on Enriching Child Care Centre (CCC) of NIPCCD: Fostering Parental Involvement in Improving School Readiness of Children - Worksheets
5Child DevelopmentA Documentation on Enriching Child Care Centre (CCC) of NIPCCD: Fostering Parental Involvement in Improving School Readiness of Children -Annual Curriculum
6Child DevelopmentA Documentation on Enriching Child Care Centre (CCC) of NIPCCD: Fostering Parental Involvement in Improving School Readiness of Children -Stories and Riddles
7Child DevelopmentA REPORT ON Awareness and Utilization of Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Day in the State of Uttar Pradesh – A study
8Child DevelopmentAPIP for 2015-16(ICDS)-Seeking APIP Proposal From States/UTs  
9Child DevelopmentAbout ISSNIP - Revised
10Child DevelopmentActivity Book -Gujarati - 1
11Child DevelopmentActivity Book -Gujarati - 2
12Child DevelopmentAdministrative Approval & Guidelines- Central Component & CPMU
13Child DevelopmentAdministrative Approval & Guidelines- State of Chhattishgarh
14Child DevelopmentAdministrative Approval and Guidelines _ISSNIP_Andhra Pradesh
15Child DevelopmentAdministrative Approval and Guidelines _ISSNIP_Bihar
16Child DevelopmentAdministrative Approval and Guidelines _ISSNIP_Jharkhand
17Child DevelopmentAdministrative Approval and Guidelines _ISSNIP_Madhya Pradesh
18Child DevelopmentAdministrative Approval and Guidelines _ISSNIP_Maharashtra
19Child DevelopmentAn Analysis of Levels and Trends in Infant and Child Mortality Rates in India
20Child DevelopmentAnganwadi Time Table- Gujarati
21Child DevelopmentAnnual Calender -Activity on monthly Basis
22Child DevelopmentAnnual Report 2014-2015, MWCD
23Child DevelopmentApproval of Government of India for Third Phase Expansion of the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme
24Child DevelopmentApproval of State induction training plan on Revised MIS by GOI - Andhra Pradesh (25March13)
25Child DevelopmentApproval of State induction training plan on Revised MIS by GOI - Arunachal Pradesh (3Sep13)
26Child DevelopmentApproval of State induction training plan on Revised MIS by GOI - Assam (14Feb13)
27Child DevelopmentApproval of State induction training plan on Revised MIS by GOI - Bihar (6Sep13)
28Child DevelopmentApproval of State induction training plan on Revised MIS by GOI - Chandigarh
29Child DevelopmentApproval of State induction training plan on Revised MIS by GOI - Chhattisgarh (14Feb13)
30Child DevelopmentApproval of State induction training plan on Revised MIS by GOI - Delhi (3Sep13)
31Child DevelopmentApproval of State induction training plan on Revised MIS by GOI - Goa (12Sep13)
32Child DevelopmentApproval of State induction training plan on Revised MIS by GOI - Gujarat (3Sep13)
33Child DevelopmentApproval of State induction training plan on Revised MIS by GOI - Haryana (6Sep13)
34Child DevelopmentApproval of State induction training plan on Revised MIS by GOI - Himachal Pradesh (28March13)
35Child DevelopmentApproval of State induction training plan on Revised MIS by GOI - J & K (Jammu Division) (6Sep13)
36Child DevelopmentApproval of State induction training plan on Revised MIS by GOI - J & K (Kashmir Division) (6Sep13)
37Child DevelopmentApproval of State induction training plan on Revised MIS by GOI - Jharkhand (6Sep13)
38Child DevelopmentApproval of State induction training plan on Revised MIS by GOI - Karnataka (25March13)
39Child DevelopmentApproval of State induction training plan on Revised MIS by GOI - Kerala (30Aug13)
40Child DevelopmentApproval of State induction training plan on Revised MIS by GOI - Madhya Pradesh (14Feb13)
41Child DevelopmentApproval of State induction training plan on Revised MIS by GOI - Maharashtra (30Aug13)
42Child DevelopmentApproval of State induction training plan on Revised MIS by GOI - Manipur (6Sep13)
43Child DevelopmentApproval of State induction training plan on Revised MIS by GOI - Meghalaya (19Dec13)
44Child DevelopmentApproval of State induction training plan on Revised MIS by GOI - Mizoram (12Sep13)
45Child DevelopmentApproval of State induction training plan on Revised MIS by GOI - Nagaland (25March13)
46Child DevelopmentApproval of State induction training plan on Revised MIS by GOI - Odisha (12Sep13)
47Child DevelopmentApproval of State induction training plan on Revised MIS by GOI - Punjab (9Oct13)
48Child DevelopmentApproval of State induction training plan on Revised MIS by GOI - Rajasthan (28March13)
49Child DevelopmentApproval of State induction training plan on Revised MIS by GOI - Sikkim (28March13)
50Child DevelopmentApproval of State induction training plan on Revised MIS by GOI - Tamil Nadu (25March13)
51Child DevelopmentApproval of State induction training plan on Revised MIS by GOI - Tripura (3Sep13)
52Child DevelopmentApproval of State induction training plan on Revised MIS by GOI - Uttarakhand (6Sep13)
53Child DevelopmentApproval of State induction training plan on Revised MIS by GOI - West Bengal (14Feb13)
54Child DevelopmentAssesment of Gross Motor Development in MGRS- Food & Nutrition bulletin
55Child DevelopmentBest Practices in Anganwadi Services Scheme under Umbrella ICDS
56Child DevelopmentBudget and Human Resource Provision for ECCE under ICDS
59Child DevelopmentCOUNSEL THE FAMILY ON CARE FOR CHILD DEVELOPMENT: Guide for Clinical Practice
61Child DevelopmentCompendium of Field Visit and Group Work - Training of Trainers of SIRDs on communitisation of ICDS and VCFS
62Child DevelopmentCompilance Report in the Supreme Court to State Secretaries Incharge CWP No. 1962001-PUCL Vs. Uol
63Child DevelopmentConcurrent Independent Evaluation of ICDS in 100 Blocks of High Burden Districts
64Child DevelopmentConsolidated Report of the Regional Consultations on Strengthening ICDS Training Systems
65Child DevelopmentConstitution of National ECCE Council
66Child DevelopmentConstruction of Anganwadi Centre building of Arunachal Pradesh
67Child DevelopmentCross-Learning Workshop on Incremental Learning Approach and Other Innovations for the Project States under IDA assisted ISSNIP
68Child DevelopmentCurriculum for Induction Training for Anganwadi Helpers
69Child DevelopmentCurriculum for Induction Training for Anganwadi Workers
70Child DevelopmentCurriculum for Induction Training of Supervisors
71Child DevelopmentCurriculum for Refresher Training of CDPOs
72Child DevelopmentCurriculum for Refresher Training of Instructors / Trainers of AWTCs/MLTCs and STIs
73Child DevelopmentCurriculum for Refresher Training of Supervisors
75Child DevelopmentDetection of Disability and Cooperation by Parents
76Child DevelopmentDevelopment Cards : English
77Child DevelopmentDevelopment Cards : Hindi
78Child DevelopmentECCE Policy 2013
79Child DevelopmentEarly Childhood Care and Development
80Child DevelopmentEvaluation Report of ICDS
81Child DevelopmentEvaluation Study on ICDS
82Child DevelopmentEvaluation of Functioning of ASHA in ICDS related activities
83Child DevelopmentEvaluation of Functioning of Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) in ICDS Related Activities
84Child DevelopmentEvaluation of Usage of MCP Card by ICDS and Health Functionaries
85Child DevelopmentEvaluation report of ICDS
86Child DevelopmentEvaluation study on integrated child development schemes (ICDS) Vol. 2
87Child DevelopmentEvaluation study on integrated child development schemes (ICDS)vol . 1
88Child DevelopmentExisting Reporting System under Management Information System on ICDS Scheme- 2006
89Child DevelopmentFAQ on Early Childhood Education
90Child DevelopmentFinancial & Economic Analysis of ICDS Programme in India
91Child DevelopmentFinancial Progress in Sabla
92Child DevelopmentFive Year Strategic Plan (2011-2016)
93Child DevelopmentFormat for Kishori card
94Child DevelopmentFormat for Sabla Annual Report English
95Child DevelopmentFormat for Sabla Annual Report Hindi
96Child DevelopmentGazette Notification - National Early Childhood Care and Education Policy (ECCE) Policy - Hindi
97Child DevelopmentGazette Notification - National Early Childhood Care and Education Policy (ECCE) Policy- English
98Child DevelopmentGazette Notification of ECCE Council - Hindi
99Child DevelopmentGeneral Grant in aid scheme of WCD Child Dev
100Child DevelopmentGrant'in-aid to Central Social Welfare Board, New Delhi for running 3013 BAJSS creches in other than NE states
101Child DevelopmentGuidebook for Planning and Organization of Preschool Education Activities in Anganwadi Centers
102Child DevelopmentGuidelines for organizing community based events (Hindi)
103Child DevelopmentGuidelines For Provision of Pre-School Education(PSE) Kits For Anganwadi Centres under ICDS Strengthening and Restructuring (New) -English  
104Child DevelopmentGuidelines for Implementation of Incremental Learning Approach
105Child DevelopmentGuidelines for Induction Training on Revised MIS
106Child DevelopmentGuidelines for Introduction & Roll out of Revised MIS in ICDS-(28 March 2012)
107Child DevelopmentGuidelines for Monitoring & Supervision of the Scheme
108Child DevelopmentGuidelines for Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanism at the State Government/UT Administration Level under Centrally sponsored Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme
109Child DevelopmentGuidelines for Monitoring and supervision visits to ICDS blocks and Anganwadi Centres
110Child DevelopmentGuidelines for construction of Anganwadi Centers under MGNREGS in convergence with ICDS Scheme
111Child DevelopmentGuidelines for organizing community based events at AWCs
112Child DevelopmentGuidelines for organsing one day Special in-Service Reorientation Programme for Anganwadi Workers and Helpers
113Child DevelopmentGuidelines for preparation of State PIPs and District Annual Plans
114Child DevelopmentGuidelines for roll out of the annual contextualized curriculum and training of ECCE in Anganwadi Centers
115Child DevelopmentGuidelines regarding PSE Kits in ICDS
116Child DevelopmentHandbook on Anganwadi Workers- English
117Child DevelopmentICDS - Scheme Document
118Child DevelopmentICDS - Facilitator Manual
119Child DevelopmentICDS - English
120Child DevelopmentICDS - Hindi
121Child DevelopmentICDS Mission - The Broad Framework for Implementation
122Child DevelopmentICDS Monitoring & Supervision
123Child DevelopmentICDS Register 1 - Family Details
124Child DevelopmentICDS Register 10- Summaries (Monthly & Annual)
125Child DevelopmentICDS Register 11 - Weight Records of Children
126Child DevelopmentICDS Register 2 - Supplementary Food Stock
127Child DevelopmentICDS Register 3 - Supplementary Food Distribution
128Child DevelopmentICDS Register 4 - Pre School Education
129Child DevelopmentICDS Register 5-Pregnancy and Delivery
130Child DevelopmentICDS Register 6-Immunization and VHND
131Child DevelopmentICDS Register 7-Vitamin A Bi-annual Rounds
132Child DevelopmentICDS Register 8- Home Visits Planner
133Child DevelopmentICDS Register 9 - Referrals
135Child DevelopmentICDS(GEN) 3rd Installment for the year 2015-16
136Child DevelopmentICDS(GEN) 4th Installment for the year 2015-16
137Child DevelopmentICDS(GEN) 5th Installment for the year 2015-16
138Child DevelopmentICDS(GEN) 6th & 7th Installment for the year 2015-16
139Child DevelopmentICDS(SNP)  4th Installment for the year 2015-16
140Child DevelopmentICDS(SNP)  5th Installment for the year 2015-16
141Child DevelopmentICDS- User Manual (English)For filling up of AWC Registers/Reports and use of Tools by AWWs
142Child DevelopmentICDS- User Manual (Hindi)For filling up of AWC Registers/Reports and use of Tools by AWWs
143Child DevelopmentILA Refresher Module
144Child DevelopmentISSNIP Guidelines for Implementation of Incremental Learning Approach for improving programme outcomes
145Child DevelopmentISSNIP Guidelines for organizing community based traditional events to promote and support behaviour change to improve maternal and child nutrition
146Child DevelopmentImpact Evaluation of Project UDISHA-The National Training Component of World Bank assisted ICDS-III (WCD) Project(TOR)
147Child DevelopmentImplementation of the WHO MGRS in India - Food & Nutrition Bulletin
148Child DevelopmentInclusion of Construction of AWC under MGNREGA
149Child DevelopmentIndicative Roll Out Plan of Annual Contextualized ECCE curriculum
150Child DevelopmentInputs for DBT and Construction / upgradation of AWCs
151Child DevelopmentIntegrated Child Development Services (Revised) Scheme
152Child DevelopmentIntegrated Child Development Services - VIII Annual Convention
153Child DevelopmentIntegrated Child Development Services Scheme - Monitoring and Supervision (2014- 2015)
154Child DevelopmentIntegrated Child Development Services_Time and Work Study of Anganwadi Workers
155Child DevelopmentJob Responsbilities of Supervisors
156Child DevelopmentKhilte Phool: Flipbook- Hindi
157Child DevelopmentLetter - Construction of Anganwadi Centre
158Child DevelopmentList of AWCs in Delhi
159Child DevelopmentList of AWCs in Tamil Nadu
160Child DevelopmentList of Anganwadi Centres in Kerala
161Child DevelopmentList of Creches in GUJARAT
162Child DevelopmentList of Creches in Jharkhand
163Child DevelopmentList of Creches in Maharashtra
164Child DevelopmentList of Creches in Puducherry
165Child DevelopmentList of Creches in UTTAR PRADESH
166Child DevelopmentList of Creches in Uttarakhand
167Child DevelopmentList of Creches in ANDHRA PRADESH
168Child DevelopmentList of Creches in Arunachal Pradesh
169Child DevelopmentList of Creches in Assam
170Child DevelopmentList of Creches in Chhattisgarh
171Child DevelopmentList of Creches in HARYANA
172Child DevelopmentList of Creches in Himachal Pradesh
173Child DevelopmentList of Creches in J&K
174Child DevelopmentList of Creches in KARNATAKA
175Child DevelopmentList of Creches in MANIPUR
176Child DevelopmentList of Creches in Madhya Pradesh
177Child DevelopmentList of Creches in Maharashtra1
178Child DevelopmentList of Creches in Odisha
179Child DevelopmentList of Creches in TAMIL NADU
180Child DevelopmentList of Creches in West Bengal
181Child DevelopmentList of Materials & Documents -Revised MIS in ICDS
182Child DevelopmentList of State Level Master Trainers (SLMTs)
183Child DevelopmentMeasurement & Standard Protocol used for Anthrpometry used in construction of new International Growth Refrence
184Child DevelopmentMesssage to Breast Feeding Partners Forum Child Health and Nutrition 
185Child DevelopmentMinutes of the 3rd Review Meeting with the States during 2008-09 to review the implementation of the ICDS Training Programme
186Child DevelopmentModule10 How to take care of weak child with the help of Kangaroo Mother Care
187Child DevelopmentModule11 Community Based Events at Aanganwadi Centre Planning Organization
188Child DevelopmentModule12 Anemia Control in Women
189Child DevelopmentModule1_Mapping and enumeration Survey and listing Family Details
190Child DevelopmentModule2 Use of HomeVisit Planner to plan and record homevisits
191Child DevelopmentModule3 Preparation for institutional and home deliveries
192Child DevelopmentModule4 Observation of breastfeeding
193Child DevelopmentModule5 Identification and care of the weak newborn
194Child DevelopmentModule6 Initiation of complementary feeding homevisits at 6th and 7th months
195Child DevelopmentModule7 Care of the weak newborn
196Child DevelopmentModule8 Support to exclusive breastfeeding EBF
197Child DevelopmentModule9 Use of home available variety in Complementary Feeding
198Child DevelopmentMonitoring & Supervision of Anganwadi Training Centres (AWTCs)
199Child DevelopmentMonitoring & Supervision of Anganwadi Training Centres (AWTCs)-2010
200Child DevelopmentMonitoring & Supervision of Anganwadi Training Centres (AWTCs)-2013
201Child DevelopmentMonitoring & Supervision of ICDS Scheme-A concurrent Evaluation-2013-14
202Child DevelopmentMonitoring and Supervision of ICDS Scheme
203Child DevelopmentMonitoring and Supervision of Middle Level Training Centres (MLTCs)-2013
204Child DevelopmentMonitoring of ICDS Project CDPO - Performa
205Child DevelopmentMonitoring of ICDS Projects 
206Child DevelopmentNational Children Policy-2013
207Child DevelopmentNational ECCE curriculum Framework, Quality standards for ECCE and Age - appropriate Assessment Cards - Letter
208Child DevelopmentNational Early Childhood Care and Education Council        - English
209Child DevelopmentNational Early Childhood Care and Education Council        - Hindi
210Child DevelopmentNational Guidelines on Infant and Young Child Feeding Edition : 2004
211Child DevelopmentNational Plan of Action on Children 2016 draft
212Child DevelopmentNotification of ICDS -SNP & Honorarium linking with Aadhaar
213Child DevelopmentNotification regarding use of Aadhaar Card in ICDS Training by State Governments
214Child DevelopmentOffice Order - Revision of cost norms for Supplementary Nutrition (SNP) under ICDS
215Child DevelopmentOffice Order for selection committee of AWWs under ICDS Scheme
216Child DevelopmentOffice Order for setting up Mini-Anganwadi centres
217Child DevelopmentOffice Order on Guidelines on 'ANGANWADI ON DEMAND'
218Child DevelopmentOffice Order on celebrating 2nd October as the International Day for Non-Violence and Commemorating launch of the ICDS Scheme.
219Child DevelopmentOpening of new AWTCs and MLTCs - Letter
221Child DevelopmentPhysical progress under Sabla
222Child DevelopmentPotential Good Practices - ICDS
223Child DevelopmentPress Release 2010 for North Eastern regions for AWCs
224Child DevelopmentProforma for Monitoring Anganwadi Workers Training Centres (AWTC)
225Child DevelopmentProgramme Content for Job Training Course for Anganwadi Workers
226Child DevelopmentProgramme Content for Job Training Course for CDPOs
227Child DevelopmentProgramme Schedule for Job Training of Supervisors
228Child DevelopmentProgramme sechdule for Job Training Course for CDPOs
229Child DevelopmentProject Profiles - ICDS
230Child DevelopmentProvision of PSE kits for AWCs Centres under ECCE Components ICDS Scheme
231Child DevelopmentQUALITY IN EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE AND EDUCATION Pictorial Handbook for Practitioners
232Child DevelopmentQuality Standards for ECCE
234Child DevelopmentRESULTS-FRAMEWORK DOCUMENT for Ministry of Women and Child Development-2010
236Child DevelopmentReal Time Monitoring through ICDS-CAS - BMGF
237Child DevelopmentRegional Training of State Level Master Trainers (SLMTs) on Revised MIS in ICDS - Feedback Form
238Child DevelopmentRegistration at AWC -hindi
239Child DevelopmentRegistration at AWC - English
240Child DevelopmentRelease of 1st installment-A&N
241Child DevelopmentRelease of 1st installment-Delhi
242Child DevelopmentRelease of 1st installment-Sikkim
243Child DevelopmentRelease of funds for MIS Training - Sanction Orders (10 States) (14March14)
244Child DevelopmentRelease of funds for MIS Training - Sanction Orders (8 States)
245Child DevelopmentRelease of funds for MIS Training - Sanction Orders (Arunachal, Manipur & Mizoram) (14March14)
246Child DevelopmentRelease of funds for MIS Training - Sanction Orders (Assam & Nagaland)
247Child DevelopmentRelease of funds for MIS Training - Sanction Orders (Delhi)
248Child DevelopmentRelease of funds for MIS Training - Sanction Orders (Sikkim) (24July13)
249Child DevelopmentRelease of funds to states under revision of Cost norms on release of funds to States/UTs for Nutrition under ICDS Scheme
250Child DevelopmentRelease of funds under ICDS - Revised pattern of Cost-Sharing between centre and states
251Child DevelopmentReport of Working Group on Addressing Consumption of Foods High in Fat, Salt and Sugar (HFSS) and Promotion of Healthy Snacks in Schools of India
252Child DevelopmentReport of the State of Preparedness of the ICDS project
253Child DevelopmentResearch on ICDS Volume 2
254Child DevelopmentResearch on ICDS Volume 3
255Child DevelopmentReview of Best Practices in ICDS
256Child DevelopmentRevised MIS Technical Specifications for printing of AWC Registers and other materials by States/Uts
257Child DevelopmentRevised MIS in ICDS - INDEX
258Child DevelopmentRevised Nutritional and Feeding Norms for Supplementary Nutrition in ICDS
259Child DevelopmentRevised Syllabus for the Training of Child Development Project
260Child DevelopmentRevised Syllabus for the Training of Child Development Project
261Child DevelopmentRevision of rates of Honorarium of Anganwadi Workers (AWWs) and Anganwadi Helpers(AWH)
262Child DevelopmentSanction Order for release of 1st installment of grants under ICDS Training Programme (7 NE States)
263Child DevelopmentSanctionOrder for release of 1st installment of grants under ICDS Training Programme (21States)
264Child DevelopmentScheme of Integrated Child Development Services
265Child DevelopmentScheme of Integrated Child Development Services
266Child DevelopmentSituational Assessment of ECCE in all States & UTs
267Child DevelopmentSocial Assesment for the IDA assisted ICDS-IV / Reform project
268Child DevelopmentState Training Action Plan – (STRAP) Andaman & Nicobar
269Child DevelopmentState Training Action Plan – (STRAP) Andhra Pradesh
270Child DevelopmentState Training Action Plan – (STRAP) Arunachal Pradesh
271Child DevelopmentState Training Action Plan – (STRAP) Assam
272Child DevelopmentState Training Action Plan – (STRAP) Bihar
273Child DevelopmentState Training Action Plan – (STRAP) Chandigarh
274Child DevelopmentState Training Action Plan – (STRAP) Chhattisgarh
275Child DevelopmentState Training Action Plan – (STRAP) Delhi
276Child DevelopmentState Training Action Plan – (STRAP) Goa
277Child DevelopmentState Training Action Plan – (STRAP) Gujarat
278Child DevelopmentState Training Action Plan – (STRAP) Haryana
279Child DevelopmentState Training Action Plan – (STRAP) Himachal Pradesh
280Child DevelopmentState Training Action Plan – (STRAP) Jammu and Kashmir
281Child DevelopmentState Training Action Plan – (STRAP) Jharkhand
282Child DevelopmentState Training Action Plan – (STRAP) Karnataka
283Child DevelopmentState Training Action Plan – (STRAP) Kerala
284Child DevelopmentState Training Action Plan – (STRAP) Madhya Pradesh
285Child DevelopmentState Training Action Plan – (STRAP) Manipur
286Child DevelopmentState Training Action Plan – (STRAP) Meghalaya
287Child DevelopmentState Training Action Plan – (STRAP) Mizoram
288Child DevelopmentState Training Action Plan – (STRAP) Nagaland
289Child DevelopmentState Training Action Plan – (STRAP) Odisha
290Child DevelopmentState Training Action Plan – (STRAP) Rajasthan
291Child DevelopmentState Training Action Plan – (STRAP) Sikkim
292Child DevelopmentState Training Action Plan – (STRAP) Tamil Nadu
293Child DevelopmentState Training Action Plan – (STRAP) Telangana
294Child DevelopmentState Training Action Plan – (STRAP) Tripura
295Child DevelopmentState Training Action Plan – (STRAP) Uttarakhand
296Child DevelopmentState Training Action Plan – (STRAP) West Bengal
297Child DevelopmentStatement of Expenditure for ICDS(General)
298Child DevelopmentStatement of Expenditure for Supplementary Nutrition Programme under ICDS
299Child DevelopmentStatewise List of Functional Creches under BAJSS
300Child DevelopmentStatewise List of Number of creches under RGNCS and BAJJS
301Child DevelopmentStatewise List of functional Creches under RGNCS
302Child DevelopmentStatistics on Children in India - Handbook 2007
303Child DevelopmentStatistics on Children in India - Handbook 2012
304Child DevelopmentStatus of approval of State Action Plan on Induction Training on Revised MIS
305Child DevelopmentStory of Integrated Child Development Services
306Child DevelopmentStrict Implementation of the feeding norms Prescribed by Govt. of India while Providing THR under ICDS Scheme
307Child DevelopmentSuccess Stories in Early Childhood Education
308Child DevelopmentSupreme Court Judgement (Writ Petition (c ) No. 196 of 2001)
309Child DevelopmentSwasthya Bache -Bharat Ka Bhavishya
312Child DevelopmentTenth Five Year Plan - Women & Children
313Child DevelopmentThe Parent Advocacy Booklet
314Child DevelopmentThis is a Notification regarding use of Aadhaar in National Creche Scheme
315Child DevelopmentThis is a Notification regarding use of Aadhaar in Sabla Scheme
316Child DevelopmentThree Decades of ICDS
317Child DevelopmentTools for use by AWWs
318Child DevelopmentTowards a Quality Early Childhood Program
319Child DevelopmentTraining Manual on Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act & Rules, 2012 for Counsellors, Social Workers and Special Educators
320Child DevelopmentTraining Manual on Protection of Children from Sexual Offences for for Medical/Health Professionals,2012
321Child DevelopmentTraining Module for Sakhi and Saheli
322Child DevelopmentTraining of Trainers of SIRDs on Communitisation of ICDS and Village Convergence and Facilitation Centre - A Compendium
323Child DevelopmentWHO Child Growth Standards - Measuring a Child's Growth Part 1
324Child DevelopmentWHO Child Growth Standards - Measuring_ part 2
325Child DevelopmentWHO Child Growth Standards - Methods and Development
326Child DevelopmentWHO Child Growth Standards -Facilitator_Guide
327Child DevelopmentWHO Child Growth Standards -Interpreting Growth Indicators
328Child DevelopmentWHO Child Growth Standards Photos
329Child DevelopmentWHO MGRS Planning, Study Design & Methodology - Food & Nutrition Bulletin